Fingertip Bouquet of the "Unsightly"
June 10, 2014
- Carolina Geranium (Cranesbill), Geranium carolinianum
Comment: Many websites offer advice for getting rid of this plant, classed as a weed,
which commonly occurs across our country in lawns, gardens and fields, listing the plant
as unsightly and unwanted. A close-up of the flowers, however, reveals their striking
beauty! |
Fingertip Bouquet in Lavender and Blue -
May 27, 2014
- Ground Ivy, Glechoma hederacea
- Star Chickweed, Stellaria pubera
- Persian Speedwell, Veronica persica
Comment: While flowers of bright red, yellow and orange hues usually attract more
attention, I find the patterns of color in these lavender and blue flowers to be
delightfully captivating. In contrast, the simplicity of form in the white Star Chickweed
easily stands on its own. |
Fingertip Bouquet in Golden Yellow - May
7, 2014
- Dandelion, Taraxacum officinal
- Hawkweed (Rattlesnake Weed), Hieracium venosum
- Slender Yellow Wood Sorrel, Oxalis dillenii
Comment - Sometimes bouquets almost design themselves, whether the fingertip sort or
the larger, more traditional-sized arrangement. This is one of those. Interestingly, these
blossoms were found within a small wildflower community less than one square foot in size. |
Fingertip Bouquet in Blue and Green -
April 22, 2014
- Ground Ivy, Glechoma hederacea
- White Clover, Trifolium repens
- Wild Violet, Viola papilionacea
This is the first of a series of
"Fingertip Bouquets," the sort of bouquet one collects in the wild, then
arranges right there and photographs on site. This method is especially useful (and
much easier!) when working with tiny flowers, those which are a half inch or
less in diameter, than attempting to fashion them into a
traditional bouquet. |
The Dogwood's Tiny Bouquet -
April 14, 2014
The creamy white bracts ("petals") of the Flowering Dogwood's
blossom form a stunning backdrop for the elegant diminutive bouquet of greenish-yellow
flowers found in the center of the blossom. This bouquet is one of the splendid
examples we have in the wild of beauty just waiting for our observation and enjoyment; no
arrangement needed by us. |
Field and Garden - December 10, 2013
- Hydrangea, Hydrangea macrophylla
- Jimson Weed, Datura stramonium
- Elephant Garlic, Allium ampeloprasium var. ampeloprasum
- mystery wildflower from Kentucky
In the fall of the year when the bright splash of summer colors wane and give way to
soft shades of dun, taupe and brown, it is then that the delightful form of the
wildflowers and those in the garden take center stage. |
Field and Garden - December 10, 2013
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Pink Perfection - December 5, 2013
- "Pink Perfection" hybrid, Camellia japonica
Here is some of what we find that is neither dun nor brown at our place these days. |
Pink Perfection - December 5, 2013
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Just Sunflowers - November 19, 2013
- Narrow-Leaf Sunflower, Helianthus angustifolius
These Sunflowers were some of the last wildflowers I found in the field before our
first frost this fall. Being captivated by the pretty colors and the pleasing form of both
the flowers and foliage, I chose to use just the Sunflowers. |
Goldenrod and More - October 18, 2013
- Gray Goldenrod, Solidago nemoralis
- Elm-Leaved Goldenrod, Solidago ulmifolia
- Rough Leaf Goldenrod, Solidago rugosa
- Willow-Leaf Goldenrod, Solidago erecta
- Maryland Golden Aster, Chrysopsis mariana
- Narrow-Leaf Sunflower, Helianthus angustifolius
When I first glimpsed the rusty, gallon metal milk container--a "find" which
came from one of the old sheds at our new home--I could almost hear it
begging for a bouquet of Goldenrod.
Goldenrod and More - October 18, 2013
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Golden Simplicity - June 25, 2013
- Blackeyed Susan, Rudbeckia hirta
Rudbeckia work well in arrangements with other sorts of wildflowers.
However, when used alone, they themselves create a spectacular bouquet. |
Golden Simplicity - June 25, 2013
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The Beauty of Community - June 18, 2013
- Wild Garlic (Cow Garlic), Allium vineale
- Musk Thistle, Carduus nutans
- Lesser Daisy Fleabane, Erigeron strigosus
- Buckhorn (Narrow-leafed, English) Plantain, Plantago lanceolata
- Basket Grass (Woodgrass, Mary's Grass), Microstegium vimineum
- Common Blackberry, Rubus fruticosus
This arrangement is an effort to present something of the beauty we saw along the
roadside a few days ago. All but the foliage of the Basket Grass and the Common Blackberry
came from a solitary community of wildflowers, harmonious in their form as well as their
color. |
The Beauty of Community - June 18, 2013
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Sunlight and Shadow - June 4, 2013
- Seven Sisters Rose, Rosa multiflora platyphylla
- Virginia Spiderwort, Tradescantia virginiana
- Japanese Honeysuckle, Loncera japonica
Sometimes, for me, it is the form of the container which prompts both the content and
configuration of an arrangement. In this case, the old pitcher seemed a natural for these
classic flowers. |
Sunlight and Shadow - June 4, 2013
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Simply Nice - April 16, 2013
- Robin's Plantain, Erigeron pulchellus
- Japanese Honeysuckle, Loncera japonica
Oftentimes, the shape of a central flower is what drives the design of an arrangement.
I find that to be the case with the Robin's Plantain in the simplicity of its daisy-like
form. Here, the spring-green leaves and the vining character of the Japanese Honeysuckle
provide the needed contrast. |
Simply Nice - April 16, 2013
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A Tiny Arrangement - April 2, 2013
- Field Pansy (Johnny Jump Up), Viola bicolor
Tiny flowers present a special challenge for arranging. (For perspective, note the
coin.) The solution for this arrangement was to find a small container, a cup just 2
inches tall, and to use entire plants for stability. First I filled the cup two-thirds
full with garden soil, poured in cool water and then added at least 8 or 10 whole plants.
To give fullness to the bouquet, I added a dozen or so stemmed blossoms, being sure the
stems reached the wet soil. After several hours the arrangement remains fresh as you see
it here. |
A Tiny Arrangement - April 2, 2013
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A Trio of Purple Pouffes - March 26, 2013
- Purple Deadnettle, Lamium purpureum
These velvety-leafed Purple Deadnettles lend themselves well to miniature, bunched
arrangements I call "pouffes"--pouff being an import from 19th
Century French, meaning "something puffed out." |
A Trio of Purple Pouffes - March 26, 2013
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Silhouette of Winter - February 12, 2013
- American Wormseed (Epazote), Chenopodium ambrosioides
The gold cord ornamenting the bouquet hints of this plant's value. In the Yucatan
Peninsula of Mexico no pot of simmering black beans would be complete without a few fresh
sprigs of Epazote for flavor. Moreover, the American Wormseed has long been revered for
its medicinal importance as a vermifuge. To me, however, of primary value is the lovely
natural form of the dried plant itself with its tiny globular flower spikes, all remaining
quite characteristically aromatic even in February. |
Silhouette of Winter - February 12, 2013
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Dried Wildflowers: In Celebration of Christmas
- December 25, 2012
- Sumac, Rhus coriaria
- Rabbit Tobacco (Life Everlasting), Gnaphalium obtusifolium
- Pennsylvania Smartweed, Persicaria pensylvanica
- American Wormseed (Mexican Tea, Epazote), Chenopodium ambrosioides
- Hairy Wood Sunflower--the seedhead (Appalachian Sunflower), Helianthus atrorubens
To me, the Christmas Season makes its own statement; nothing really need be added. Yet
for those wishing to compose adornment, the natural materials are matchless. |
Dried Wildflowers: In Celebration of Christmas
- December 25, 2012 {close-up} |
Clover in Autumn - November, 2012
- Mistflower, Conoclinium coelestinum
- Pennsylvania Smartweed, Persicaria pensylvanica.
- Common Fleabane, Erigeron philadelphicus
- Red Clover (Cowgrass), Trifolium pretense
- Late Purple Aster, Symphotrichum patens
- Hairy White Oldfield Aster, Symphotricum pilosum
- Japanese Honeysuckle, Japonica lonicera
Often, even in the last weeks before the first frost, it is still possible to find a
variety of color in wildflowers, even a lone Red Clover blossom. |
Clover in Autumn - November, 2012
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Lilliputian Loveliness - October, 2012
- Shaggy Soldier (Hairy Galinsoga), Galinsoga ciliata
While the largest flower in this arrangement measures barely one-fourth inch in
diameter, a closeup view reveals the exquisite form of the ray and disk flowers which make
up this tiny composite. |
Lilliputian Loveliness - October, 2012
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Lavender Mist - October, 2012
- Seminole False Foxglove, Agalinis filifolia
- Downy Lobelia, Lobelia puberula
- New England Purple Aster, Aster novae-angliae
The many-branching "misty" form of this False Foxglove belies the delicate
beauty of the tiny flowers. |
Lavender Mist - October, 2012 {close-up} |
Bug-eaten Beauty - October, 2012
- Strawberry Bush (Hearts-a-bustin, Wahoo), Euonymus americanus
- Smooth Sumac, Rhus glabra
Although obviously not wildflowers, who could ignore the autumn beauty of these two
wild shrubs? |
Bug-eaten Beauty - October, 2012
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The Gold of Autumn - September, 2012
- Willow-Leaf Goldenrod, Solidago erecta
- Broadleaved Goldenrod, Solidago flexicaulis
- Gray Goldenrod, Solidago nemoralis
- Elm-Leaved Goldenrod, Solidago ulmifolia
- Maryland Golden Aster, Chrysopsis mariana
- Hairy Wood Sunflower (Appalachian Sunflower), Helianthus atrorubens
To me, even a single stem of Goldenrod is sufficient in itself for a stunning display.
Nevertheless, to add the Sunflowers and the Asters makes an arrangement much like the
glorious communities of wildflowers we see at this time of the year. |
September's Garden - September, 2012
- Black Krim Tomato, Lycopersicon lycopersicum
- Marglobe Tomato, Lycopersicon lycopersicum
- Sweet Cherry Tomato, Lycopersicon lycopersicum var. cerasforme
- Cow Horn Okra, Abelmoschus esculentus
- Blue Lake Bush Beans, Phaseolus vulgaris var. nanus
- California Wonder Bell Pepper, Capsicum annuum
- Hot Yellow Hungarian Wax Pepper, Capsicum annuum
- Poblano Pepper, Capsicum annuum
- Sweet Basil, Ocimum basilicum
- Greek Basil, Ocimum basilicum
As a departure from wildflowers, here is a potpourri of green representing the close of
what has been a joyous--even if not always productive--season of gardening for my husband
Jim and me. |
Imaginary Silk - September, 2012
- Carolina Elephant's Foot, Elephantopus carolinianus
At first glimpse, this flower appears as a delightful pouf fashioned by loose loops of
silken lavender floss. Closer observation, however, reveals that this flower is a member
of the composite family whose flower head or inflorescence usually has both ray flowers
and disk flowers. While the flower head of the Carolina Elephant's Foot has no ray
flowers, each flower head here has four lavender disk flowers. |
Imaginary Silk - September, 2012
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Breakfast Radiance - September, 2012
- Purple Morning Glory (Common morning glory), Ipomoea purpura
- Oceanblue Morning Glory, Ipomoea indica
- Slender Bush Clover, Lespedeza virginica
- Pennsylvania Smartweed, Persicaria pensylvanica
- Florida Beggarweed (Dixie Ticktrefoil), Desdemodium tortuosum
Forget morning glories for midday or later-in-the-day arrangements. Better to choose
them for an early breakfast setting when their radiance can be spectacular. |
Breakfast Radiance - September, 2012
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August Morning - August, 2012
- False dandelion (Catsear), Hypochoeris radicata
- Pennsylvania smartweed, Persicaria pensylvanica
- Evening primrose, Oenothera biennis
The beauty to be found in nature has not so much to do with a particular month or
season as it does with the perception of what is right before our eyes. |
August Morning - August, 2012 {close-up} |
The Exuberance of Composites - August,
- Blackeyed Susan, Rudbeckia hirta
- Common fleabane, Erigeron philadelphicus
- Japanese honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica (an accent on the board wall)
Blackeyed Susans are a fine choice for a spirited arrangement, full of life! |
The Exuberance of Composites - August,
2012 {close-up} |
Cup o' Blossoms in Pastels - July, 2012
- Common fleabane, Erigeron philadelphicus
- Red clover (Cow grass), Trifolium pratense
- Pink knotweed (Pennsylvania smartweed), Polygonum pensylvanicum
- Virginia meadow-beauty (Deer grass, Handsome Harry), Rhexia virginica
In July the wild affords an astonishing array of gorgeous bright colors. However, to
see a collection in soft pastels can be particular soothing. |
My Fair Lady - July, 2012
- Musk thistle, Carduus nutans
- Grass
While the Musk thistle is considered to be the bane, the scourge of the pasture land;
at close range who could argue with the exquisite beauty of its flower head? |
My Fair Lady - July, 2012 {close-up} |
Appeal of the Common - June, 2012
- White clover, Trifolium repens
- English plaintain, Plantago lanceolata
- Common lambsquarter (Goosefoot), Chenpodium album
Too often we can step over (or on) the common things. Only as we look more closely do
we appreciate the appeal of their subtle colors, the beauty of their often muted detail
(as with the frostiness of the lambsquarter), and -- as with
the clover -- their soft fragrance. |
Summer's Community - June, 2012
- Common blackberry, Rubus fruticosus
- Japanese honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica
These two plants I found growing in close community, the honeysuckle intermingled with
the blackberry brambles thus providing semi-shade and nurturing development of luscious
berries. |
Summer's Community - June, 2012
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Cherokee Summer - June, 2012
- Summer phlox, Phlox drummondii
- Queen Anne's lace (Bird's nest), Daucus carota
- Red clover, Trifolium pratense
- Grass -???
These flowers came from a mountainous area in North Georgia which into early 1800s was
home to Native Americans, the Cherokee. |
Cherokee Summer - June, 2012 {close-up} |
Garlic with Sage - June, 2012
- Elephant garlic (large flower head), Allium ampeloprasum
- Wild garlic (Cow garlic), Allium vineale
- Common sage, Salvia officinalis
- Basket grass (Woodgrass, Mary's Grass), Microstegium vimineum
Throughout the season the home garden affords a rich variety of possibilities for
arrangements. |
Old Fields with Plantain - June, 2012
- Butterfly weed (Chigger weed), Asclepias tuberosa
- Daisy fleabane, Erigeron strigosus
- Buckhorn (Narrow-leafed or English) Plantain, Plantago lanceolata
This arrangement was named with thoughts of the countryside where the arrangement's
container was made, a porcelain one-liter pitcher made in Czechoslovakia in the early
1900s. My parents found the pitcher in an old house they bought more than 50 years ago. |