Once again I'm changing gears in my life, and part of that change is to stop issuing weekly Newsletters in the usual format.
- The Newsletter will no longer appear in its usual weekly format, indexed at
- I'll continue identifying and adding information to my website, and philosophizing. However, that material will be accessed via the Newsletter's earlier Facebook page.*
Links placed there will lead to pages on my website.
- I've moved to a new location, again a rancho with no electricity and no neighbors, this time near the little Maya town of Tepakán, Yucatán. On Google Maps if you search for Tepakán, Yucatán and use streetview, you can "walk" around Tepakán, seeing what it's like.
Reasons for the change are many, but here are the main ones:
- During recent months the spiritual quest I began many years ago has matured into a general insight. Adjusting to that insight will keep me busy for the rest of my life.
- The insight, realized by others long ago, has been named Monism.
- In many Newsletters I've referred to the One Thing, for I've been approaching monism for a long time. The One Thing is the Universe and everything in it, including matter, intelligence and feeling
- On a spiritual level, from the perspective of monism, the challenge is to know what the Universal Creative Impulse ("The One Thing," "God," "The Great Spirit," or Whatever) "wants" from us thinking, feeling beings.
- If anything is to teach us what The One Thing "wants" of us, it is Nature, which is the The One Thing Herself: Nature as Bible.
- I now focus more intensely than ever on what the Nature Bible teaches.
Best wishes to all Newsletter readers, and thanks for your interest throughout all these years,
All previous Newsletters are archived at