Here are the most notable characteristics of this state's cuisine:
- strong influence of indigenous cultures
- seashore, tropical lowland and cool upland environments provide a huge diversity of produce
Pozole de Pollo, a stew based on corn and chicken, in Guayameo, Guerrero, Mexico;
copyright-free image courtesy of Jared Duarte García via Wikimedia commons.
- Huaxmole -- meat dish including pork ribs in a thick sauce of chili and guaje beans
- Relleno -- suckling pig cooked all night stuffed with such things as pineapple, olives, potatoes, carrots and bananas, accompanied by corn tortillas and rice
- Caldo de cabeza de pescado
(coastal) -- fish-head soup
- Chile de Ciruela
(uplands) -- pork dish containing fresh plums and green chilies
- Aporreado -- chunks of fried pork mixed with eggs in a broth of cilantro, cumin and garlic
- Barbacoa de Chivo
-- barbecued goat
- Morisqueta or Zambaripao (coastal) -- rice and beans
- Chapulines
(central uplands) -- well seasoned and prepared grasshoppers
- Gollería (coastal) -- fried concoction of milk, vanilla, eggwhite, cinnamon sprinkled with sugar
- Jamoncillo de Pepita de Calabaza
-- finely ground pumpkin nuts prepared with milk and sugar
- Alegría -- amaranth seeds toasted, popped, and sweetened
- Palanqueta de Cacahuate -- crisp candy based on brown-sugar syrup and/or refined sugar, with toasted corn and peanuts
- Tuba -- drink from fermentation of juice from different kinds of palm, especially the coconut palm, often flavored with pineapple, lemon, chili, etc.
Information on this page based on material presented in Gastronomía: Atlas cultural de México, 1988, an extensive and well illustrated work by various authors, published by the Secretaría del Educación Pública, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia in Mexico City.