Here are three characteristics of this state's cuisine:
- many fruit orchards providing fresh and preserved fruits
- it's cattle country, so there's lots of meat and dairy products
- much processed food and articles made of wheat flour instead of cornmeal because of its proximity to the USA
Torta Enchilada or
Pambazo; bread usually soaked in a special sauce, traditionally filled with potatoes or meat, cream, lettuce and fresh cheese, and typically eaten with a pickled pepper and a Coke;
copyright-free image photographed by "Daniela E.P." in Saltillo and submitted by "Kelpgreen.D" via Wikimedia Commons.
- Cabrito al horno
-- baked goat
- Flor de palma
(in season) -- the words translate to "palm flower" but the flowers are from the
Izote yucca, and are presented in a kind of torta made of beaten eggs and tomato sauce
- Machaca con huevo
-- dried, salted beef that is rehydrated, lightly roasted over fire, soaked in water to remove the salt and to soften, then pounded to pieces, traditionally over a mesquite trunk, by a mesquite pole. Then it's put in water again to get out more salt, and finally squeezed and fried in a skillet. A salsa is made with onion, chili, tomato and oregano, the salsa is mixed into the fried beef and the whole thing is cooked for about five minutes. Most people expect to eat this with wheat tortillas, beans and coffee. This particular machaca also contains eggs
- Cajeta de membrillo and Cajeta de perón -- traditional
cajetas are typically gelatin-based deserts congealed in a round box four or five inches across, made of thin wood slivers. Membrillo is quince, and perón is a pearlike fruit
- Jamoncillos de Piñón
-- finely ground pine-nuts prepared with milk and sugar
- Atole Almendrado
-- prepared by roasting kernels of corn, grinding them up, and stirring the resulting meal
(called pinole) into water; this one has almond meal added
Information on this page based on material presented in Gastronomía: Atlas cultural de México, 1988, an extensive and well illustrated work by various authors, published by the Secretaría del Educación Pública, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia in Mexico City.