magnifying glass Hand lens or jeweler's loop

Two main kinds of magnifying glass are useful to backyard naturalists. The best for general-purpose naturalizing is the hand lens, sometimes referred to as the jewelers' loupe, shown at the right. Hand lenses differ from the second kind of magnifying glass, the lollipop type consisting of a large lens mounted on a narrow handle, in four main ways:


dragonfly wing venation

Average naturalists, to whom an acorn is as interesting as a sea gull, probably use hand lenses even more than binoculars. Hand lenses are just the thing for looking at insects, for instance, when we must examine mouthparts, tarsi, and the diagnostic wing venation of a dragonfly, as shown above. With a hand lens you can see the wonderful diversity of insect egg types found in every garden, and nematodes in nodules of infested roots.

Edwards Plateau Five-eyes, CHAMAESARACHA EDWARDSIANA, glandular hairs on pedicel

Many organisms have tiny but very interesting features you may have never even known could exist. For example, with a hand lens you can see the gland-tipped hairs on a flower pedicel of the Five-eyes wildflower, Chamaesaracha edwardsiana, shown at the right. Needless to say, you're lost without a hand lens when studying mosses, lichens, and ferns.

close-up of frost crystals on a fencepost

On a frosty morning, you can see many forms of ice crystals such as those at the right, on a fence post. Field geologists also use hand lenses to identify minerals in rocks by the appearance of their crystals. Calcite crystals are rhombohedral in form, while typical quartz crystals are hexagonal.


veins in Black Oak leaf

Here are three important rules for using hand lenses:


Jewelry shops sometimes display them, but usually at prices much higher than you need to pay. Camera shops often have one or two displayed among the dozens of lenses inside their display cases. You might find some in the toy section of the local super-store, maybe as part of a detective kit. That way you'd get a badge and false mustache, to boot! However, toy lenses usually are plastic and scratch too easily.

A good magnification power is ten (10 X). Weaker lenses won't show some of the details we want but stronger ones have such shallow depths of field that most of what is looked at may be out of focus.


Less powerful but bigger lollipop-type magnifying glasses display larger areas than hand lenses and thus are useful for looking at spiders and other small critters you don't want to get too close to. Or maybe you're watching a large number of ants devour a caterpillar and you want to magnify the whole field of carnage. So, there are uses for the reading kind of magnifying glass, but if you have to choose having just one, the little hand lens is more useful.