Freshly Cut Flowers

Flowers in the Medellín market in Colonia Condesa, Mexico City; copyright free image courtesy of "Stellarc" made available through Wikimedia Commons.

The above fine image tells the whole story: Mexicans love to adorn their homes, altars, and lives in general with freshly cut flowers. In Mexico today about a million people are directly or indirectly involved in producing and selling flowers. About 60% of the production work is done by women. The three main flower types being produced in 2020 were these, a gross of flowers being 144 individual cut blossoms:

  1. Chrysanthemum: over 11 million gross
  2. Roses: over 8 million gross
  3. Gladiolas: over 5 million
Among blossoms seen above, several are Old World flowers, but some of the world's favorites are native to Mexico.