Here are the most notable characteristics of this state's cuisine:
- with such a long coastline it's a seafood paradise
- inland there's everything from wet tropical lowland to snow-capped mountains so there's a rainbow of produce
- in the north near Martínez de la Torre, French influence, plus influence of other nationalities elsewhere
Coctel de camarón con salsa macha con limón
-- shrimp cocktail with macha sause and limon --
Photo by
Maria Pagola, of Ask Maria, in Veracruz
- Huachinango a la Veracruzana
-- red snapper in a spicy tomato sauce
- Pollo Encacahuatado
- chicken in peanut sauce
- Chucumite a la Veracruzana
-- special fish dish using the fish called chucumite or else a guachinango, basically the fish in an elongated bowl doused with a spicy broth made of tomato, chili, onions, garlic, olive oil, capers, bay leaves, oregano, parsley, peppercorns and salt
- Arroz a la Tumbada -- rice and seafood, especially shrimp, clams, crabs and octopus, prepared with a spicy tomato sauce
- Sopa de mariscos
-- soup composed of various kinds of seafood
- Chiles Rellenos a la Veracruzana -- large jalapeño peppers stuffed with crabmeat seasoned with onion, tomatoes, olive oil, lime juice, salt and pepper
- Dulce de Camote con Piña
-- dessert of boiled, mashed sweet potatoes and pineapples in their syrup
- Empanadas de Guayabaa
-- empanadas are wheat-flour tortillas folded over almost any ingredient, then fried in oil; this one is folded over guava
- Dulce de Pepita de Calabaza
-- sweet composed of pumpkin seeds
- Palanquetas de cacahuate
-- crisp candy based on brown-sugar syrup and/or refined sugar, toasted corn, and peanuts
- jamoncillo de leche
-- finely ground nuts or seeds, especially pumpkin, pine-nuts, or peanuts, prepared with milk and sugar
- Torito -- rum with fruits, such as guava, mamey, lemon and peanuts, mixed with condensed milk, regular milk, and ice
Information on this page based on material presented in Gastronomía: Atlas cultural de México, 1988, an extensive and well illustrated work by various authors, published by the Secretaría del Educación Pública, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia in Mexico City.