Nature study IS meditation.
For a general introduction to nature study, see the BackyardNature.Net website, especially these sections:
Now we must face the fact that the behavior, thought and feelings of us humans is largely programmed into us, making us robot-like. Realizing that, the idea occurs that our quest for a higher spirituality is precisely what takes us beyond what's programmed into us.
Until now in our search for higher spirituality we've done little more than pay attention. Now we must assert more effort and self discipline, mainly by organizing our thoughts better and systematically making more effort to analyze what we're seeing and feeling during our experiences with Nature. The first step in this more serious effort toward a higher spirituality is to know yourself. This is such an important process that we have a special Know Yourself page
Below, the green zigzag between this and the next level indicates a fundamental breakage point reached during self-deprogramming. The zigzag signifies this:
At this point, the Wheel of Awakening at the right can be useful. The Wheel reminds us of these three insights:
The golden rim of the Wheel of Awakening is there to remind us to be ready to experience a powerful surge within us of spontaneous, transformational empathy for all things.
In referring to The Wheel of Awakening, keep in mind that, despite the numbered parts, the Wheel is hardly a one-two-three kind of thing; It's more an all-at-once thing, each part providing positive feedback to all the others. The numbers only help us at first to get going.
Also, be prepared for new insights to spontaneously arise within you, that help you reach higher levels. For example, during Jim Conrad's passage these concepts arose, helping with wordless thinking.
Each of us will experience spiritual awakening differently, so no description is given here. You will know it when you have it. However, if you are like Jim Conrad, at every new level of being awake, you'll always expect that there's yet a higher level, and there always will be.
NOTE: In western society, even if we don't consider ourselves to be religious, a certain presumption about life permeates our thinking on spiritual matters. It's that we must behave ourselves or we'll go to hell, or otherwise somehow be judged and punished. Hell, judgment and punishment are missing in the above flowchart, so what's to keep us from becoming "bad"?
Jim Conrad's experience has been that the whole process described above sensitizes us so that an intense empathy with other features of the Great Spirit/One Thing spontaneously blossom forth within us. When we feel such empathy, the mistreatment or hurting of other creations simply becomes unthinkable. We are helpful and generous to others just because it feels good to be so. To glimpse what a transcendent moment of empathy-based spiritual joy feels like, you might take a look at the essay Honeybees & Φ.