Birds of Mexico:
(arid scrub, tropical deciduous forest, 1500 meters and above; see map
Adapted from distribution maps and descriptions in A Guide to The Birds of Mexico and Northern interior America by Steve Howell & Sophie Webb
*** 457 species on this tentative list ***
Tinamous (Family Tinamidae)
- Slaty-breasted Tinamou, Crypturellus boucardi
-- permanent - Thicket Tinamou, Crypturellus cinnamomeus
-- permanent
Grebes (Family Podicipedidae)
- Eared Grebe, Podiceps nigricollis californicus
-- winter - Pied-billed Grebe, Podilymbus podiceps podiceps
-- winter - Least Grebe, Tachybaptus dominicus
-- permanent
Cormorants (Family Phalacrocoracidae)
- Neotropic Cormorant, Phalacrocorax brasilianus
-- permanent
Herons, Egrets, etc. (Family Ardeidae)
- Great Blue Heron, Ardea herodias
-- winter - American Bittern, Botaurus lentiginosus
-- winter in west - Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis ibis
-- permanent - Green Heron, Butorides virescens
-- winter - Little Blue Heron, Egretta caerulea
-- winter - Great Egret, Egretta alba egretta
-- winter - Snowy Egret, Egretta thula
-- winter - Tricolored Heron, Egretta tricolor
-- winter - Least Bittern, Ixobrychus exilis
-- winter - Black-crowned Night-Heron, Nycticorax nycticorax hoactli
-- winter - Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Nycticorax violaceus
-- permanent in west
New World Vultures (Family Cathartidae)
- Turkey Vulture, Cathartes aura
-- permanent - Black Vulture, Coragyps atratus
-- permanent - King Vulture, Sacrcoramphus papa
-- permanent in west, northeast
Ducks, Geese & Swans (Family Anatidae)
- Northern Pintail, Anas acuta acuta
-- winter - American Wigeon, Anas americana
-- winter in west - Green-winged Teal, Anas crecca carolinensis
-- winter in west - Northern Shoveler, Anas clypeata
-- winter in west - Cinnamon Teal, Anas cyanoptera septentrionalium
-- winter in west - Blue-winged Teal, Anas discors
-- winter - Lesser Scaup, Aythya affinis
-- winter - Redhead, Aythya americana
-- winter in west - Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Dendrocygna autumnalis autumnalis
-- permanent in west, northeast - Ruddy Duck, Oxyura jamaicensis jamaicensis
-- winter
Hawks, Eagles & Kites (Family Accipitridae)
- White-breasted Hawk, Accipiter chionagaster
-- permanent - Cooper's Hawk, Accipiter cooperi
-- winter - Sharp-shinned Hawk, Accipiter striatus
-- winter - White-tailed Hawk, Buteo albicaudatus hypospodius
-- permanent - Zone-tailed Hawk, Buteo albonotatus albonotatus
-- winter - Short-tailed Hawk, Buteo brachyurus fuliginosus
-- permanent - Red-tailed Hawk, Buteo jamaicensis
-- permanent - Roadside Hawk, Buteo magnirostris
-- permanent, rarely to 2000m - Gray Hawk, Buteo nitidus
-- permanent - Broad-winged Hawk, Buteo platypterus platypterus
-- winter & migrant - Swainson's Hawk, Buteo swainsoni
-- migrant - Common Black Hawk, Buteogallus anthracinus
-- permanent, to 1800m - Great Black Hawk, Buteogallus urubitinga ridgwayi
-- permanent, to 1800m - Hook-billed Kite, Chondrohierax uncinatus
-- permanent, not in center - Northern Harrier, Circus cyaneus hudsonius
-- winter & migrant - Swallow-tailed Kite, Elanoides forficatus
-- migrant in northeast, to 1500m - White-tailed Kite, Elanus leucurus majusculus
-- permanent - Crane Hawk, Geranospiza caerulescens
-- permanent, to 1500m - Double-toothed Kite, Harpagus bidentatus fasciatus
-- permanent, Atlantic Slope to 1500m - Solitary Eagle, Harpyhaliaetus solitarius
-- permanent, to 1800m - Mississippi Kite, Ictinia mississippiensis
-- migrant, northern & western Slope to 1500m - Gray-headed Kite, Leptodon cayanensis
-- permanent, to 1500m - Osprey, Pandion haliaetus
-- migrant - Snail Kite, Rostrahamus sociabilis
-- permanent, Atlantic Slope to 1500m - Ornate Hawk-Eagle, Spizaetus ornatus vicarius
-- permanent in Slope area, to 1500m
Falcons & Allies (Family Falconidae)
- Crested Caracara, Caracara plancus
-- permanent - Merlin, Falco columbarius
-- winter - Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus
-- winter - Bat Falcon, Falco rufigularis
-- permanent at Slope to 1600m - American Kestrel, Falco sparverius
-- permanent - Laughing Falcon, Herpetotheres cachinnans
-- permanent at Slope to 1500m - Barred Forest-Falcon, Micrastur ruficollis
-- permanent at Slope to 2500m - Collared Forest-Falcon, Micrastur semitorquatus naso
-- permanent at Slope to 1800m
Chachalacas & Allies (Family Cracidae)
- Great Curassow, Crax rubra
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1500m - Horned Guan, Oreophasis derbianus
-- permanent in south - Plain Chachalaca, Ortalis vetula
-- permanent, to 1800m - West Mexican Chachalaca, Ortalis poliocephala
-- permanent in extreme southwest - Highland Guan, Penelopina nigra
-- permanent - Crested Guan, Penelopina purpurascens purpurascens
-- permanent
Turkeys & Quail (Family Phasianidae)
- Ocellated Quail, Cyrtonyx montezumae
-- permanent - Singing Quail, Dactylortyx thoracicus
-- permanent - Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridge, Dendrortyx leucophrys
-- permanent in southeast - Spotted Wood-Quail, Odontophorus guttatus
-- permanent, to 2000m - Northern Bobwhite, Colinus virginianus
-- permanent
Rails, Gallinules & Coots (Family Rallidae)
- American Coot, Fulica americana americana
-- permanent & winter - Common Moorhen, Gallinula chloropus cachinnans
-- permanent & winter - Ruddy Crake, Laterallus ruber
-- permanent, to 1500m - Purple Gallinule, Porphyrula martinica
-- winter - Sora, Porzana carolina
-- winter - Virginia Rail, Rallus limicola
-- permanent in north, to 1500m - Spotted Rail, Rallus maculatus insolitus
-- permanent
Limpkins (Family Aramidae)
- Limpkin, Aramus guarauna dolosus
-- permanent at Slope to 1500m
Plovers (Family Charadriidae)
- Killdeer, Charadrius vociferus vociferus
-- winter - American Golden Plover, Pluvialis dominica
-- migrant
Stilts & Avocets (Family Recurvirostridae)
- Black-necked Stilt, Himantopus mexicanus mexicanus
-- permanent & migrant, to 1500m
Jacanas (Family Jacanidae)
- Northern Jacana, Jacana spinosa spinosa
-- permanent at Slope to 1800m?
Sandpipers & Allies (Family Scolopacidae)
- Spotted Sandpiper, Actitis macularia
-- winter - Upland Sandpiper, Bartramia longicauda
-- migrant - Stilt Sandpiper, Calidris himantopus
-- winter & migrant - Pectoral Sandpiper, Calidris melanotus
-- migrant - Baird's Sandpiper, Calidris bairdii
-- migrant - Least Sandpiper, Calidris minutilla
-- winter & migrant - Common Snipe, Gallinago gallinago delicata
-- winter - Long-billed Dowitcher, Limnodromus scolopaceus
-- western Slope in winter - Wilson's Phalarope, Steganopus tricolor
-- migrant - Lesser Yellowlegs, Tringa flavipes
-- winter - Greater Yellowlegs, Tringa melanoleuca
-- winter & migrant - Solitary Sandpiper, Tringa solitaria
-- winter
Gulls & Terns (Family Laridae)
- Black Tern, Chlidonias niger surinamensis
-- migrant - Laughing Gull, Larus atricilla
-- winter - Franklin's Gull, Larus pipixcan
-- migrant in west & south
Doves & Pigeons (Family Columbidae)
- Maroon-chested Ground-Dove, Claravis mondetoura salvini
-- permanent - Band-tailed Pigeon, Columba fasciata
-- permanent - Red-billed Pigeon, Columba flavirostris
-- permanent, to 1800m - Inca Dove, Columbina inca
-- permanent - Common Ground-Dove, Columbina minuta interrupta
-- permanent - Feral Pigeon, Columba livia
-- permanent - White-faced Quail-Dove, Geotrygon albifacies
-- permanent - Ruddy Quail-Dove, Geotrygon montana montana
-- permanent at Slope to 1500m - White-tipped Dove, Leptotila verreauxi
-- permanent - White-winged Dove, Zenaida asiatica
-- permanent & winter - Mourning Dove, Zenaida macroura
-- winter
Parrots & Parakeets (Family Psittacidae)
- White-fronted Parrot, Amazona albifrons
-- permanent except east-interior, to 1800m - Orange-fronted Parakeet, Aratinga canicularis
-- permanent on Pacific Slope to 1500m - Green Parakeet, Aratinga holochlora
-- permanent in south, to 1800m - Pacific Parakeet, Aratinga strenua
-- permanent on Pacific Slope - Barred Parakeet, Bolborhynchus lineola lieola
-- permanent - White-crowned Parrot, Pionus senilis
-- permanent
Cuckoos, Anis & Roadrunners (Family Cuculidae)
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Coccyzus americanus
-- migrant - Black-billed Cuckoo, Coccyzus erythropthalmus
-- migrant - Groove-billed Ani, Crotophaga sulcirostris
-- permanent - Pheasant Cuckoo, Dromococcyx phasianellus rufigularis
-- permanent at Slope to 1500m - Lesser Roadrunner, Geococcyx velox
-- permanent in south - Lesser Ground-Cuckoo, Morococyx erythropygus
-- permanent in south, to 1500m - Squirrel Cuckoo, Piaya cayana
-- permanent, to 2000m
Barn Owl (Family Tytonidae)
- Barn Owl, Tyto alba
-- permanent
Typical Owls (Family Strigidae)
- Unspotted Saw-Whet Owl, Aegolius ridgway
-- permanent in north, southeast - Stygian Owl, Asio stygius
-- permanent mostly in southeast - Burrowing Owl, Athene cunicularia
-- winter - Great Horned Owl, Bubo virginianus
-- permanent - Ferruginous Pygmy-owl, Glaucidum brasilianum
-- permanent, to 1900? - Mountain Pygmy-owl, Glaucidum gnoma
-- permanent in north - Crested Owl, Lophostrix cristata stricklandi
-- permanent at Slope to 1800m - Bearded Screech-Owl, Otus barbarus
-- permanent in north - Vermiculated Screech-Owl, Otus guatemalae
-- permanent in north, to 1500m - Whiskered Screech-Owl, Otus trichopsis
-- permanent - Fulvous Owl, Strix fulvescens
-- permanent in north & southeast - Mottled Owl, Strix virgata
-- permanent except center
Goatsuckers (Family Caprimulgidae)
- Mexican Whip-poor-will, Caprimulgus arizonae
-- permanent - Chuck-will's-Widow, Caprimulgus carolinensis
-- winter - Buff-collared Nightjar, Caprimulgus ridgwayi
-- permanent, to 1800m? - Northern Whip-poor-will, Caprimulgus vociferus
-- winter - Lesser Nighthawk, Chordeiles acutipennis
-- permanent & winter - Common Nighthawk, Chordeiles minor
-- migrant & summer - Pauraque, Nyctidromus albicollis
-- permanent, to 1800m
Potoos (Family Nyctibiidae)
- Northern Potoo, Nyctibius jamaicensis
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m
Swifts (Family Apodidae)
- White-throated Swift, Aeronautes saxatalis
-- permanent - Chimney Swift, Chaetura pelagica
-- migrant in north - Vaux's Swift, Chaetura vauxi
-- permanent - Black Swift, Cypseloides niger
-- summer - Chestunut-collared Swift, Cypseloides rutilus
-- permanent - Great Swallow-tailed Swift, Panyptila sanctihieronymi
-- permanent - White-collared Swift, Streptoprocne zonaris
-- permanent
Hummingbirds (Family Trochilidae)
- Emerald-chinned Hummingbird, Abeillia abeillei
-- permanent - Berylline Hummingbird, Amazilia beryllina
-- permanent - White-bellied Emerald, Amazilia candida
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m - Azure-crowned Hummingbird, Amazilia cyanocephala
-- permanent - Cinnamon Hummingbird, Amazilia rutila
-- permanent in south, to 1600m - Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Archilochus colubris
-- winter - White-eared Hummingbird, Basilinna leucotis
-- permanent - Slender Sheartail, Calothorax enicura
-- permanent - Violet Sabrewing, Campylopterus hemileucurus hemileucurus
-- permanent in north & south - Rufous Sabrewing, Campylopterus rufus
-- permanent in north & southeast - Canivet's Emerald, Chlorostilbon canivetii
-- permanent - Salvin's Emerald, Chlorostilbon salvini osberti
-- permanent in extreme southeast - Green Violet-ear, Colibri thalassinus thalassinus
-- permanent in south - Magnificent Hummingbird, Eugenes fulgens
-- permanent - Stripe-tailed Hummingbird, Eupherusa eximia
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1800m - Plain-capped Starthroat, Heliomaster constantii
-- permanent, to 1500 - Long-billed Starthroat, Heliomaster longirostris
-- permanent on slopes to 1600m - Amethyst-throated Hummingbird, Lampornis amethystinus
-- permanent - Green-throated Mountain-Gem, Lampornis viridipallens
-- permanent - Garnet-throated Hummingbird, Lamprolaima rhami
-- permanent - Black-crested Coquette, Lophornis helenae
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m - Long-tailed Hermit, Phaethornis superciliosus
-- permanent in north, to 1500m - Sparkling-tailed Woodstar, Philodice dupontii
-- permanent - Little Hermit, Pygmornis longuemareus
-- permanent in north, to 1500m - Wine-throated Hummingbird, Selasphorus ellioti
-- permanent
Trogons (Family Trogonidae)
- Resplendent Quetzal, Pharomachrus mocinno mcinno
-- permanent - Collared Trogon, Trogon collaris
-- permanent - Mountain Trogon, Trogon mexicanus
-- permanent - Violaceous Trogon, Trogon violaceus braccatus
-- permanent on slopes to 1800m
Motmots (Family Momotidae)
- Blue-throated Motmot, Aspatha gularis
-- permanent - Keel-billed Motmot, Electron carinatu
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1500m - Tody Motmot, Hylomanes momotula
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m - Russet-crowned Motmot, Momotus mexicanus
-- permanent in southern half - Blue-crowned Motmot, Momotus momota
-- permanent on slopes to 1600m
Kingfishers (Family Alcedinidae)
- Belted Kingfisher, Ceryle alcyon
-- winter - Ringed Kingfisher, Ceryle torquata torquata
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m - Green Kingfisher, Chloroceryle americana
-- permanent
Toucans (Family Ramphastidae)
- Emerald Toucanet, Aulacorhynchus prasinus
-- permanent
Woodpeckers (Family Picidae)
- Pale-billed Woodpecker, Campephilus guatemalensis
-- permanent on slopes to 2000m - Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Centurus aurifrons
-- permanent - Northern Flicker, Colaptes auratus
-- permanent in north - Lineated Woodpecker, Dryocopus lineatus
-- permanent on slopes to 1600m - Acorn Woodpecker, Melanerpes formicivorus
-- permanent - Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Picoides scalaris
-- permanent - Hairy Woodpecker, Picoides villosus
-- permanent - Golden-olive Woodpecker, Piculus rubiginosus
-- permanent - Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius
-- winter - Smoky-brown Woodpecker, Veniliornis fumigatus
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m
Ovenbirds (Family Furnariidae)
- Spectacled Foliage-gleaner, Anabacerthia variegaticeps variegaticeps
-- permanent - Ruddy Foliage-gleaner, Automolus rubiginosus
-- permanent - Tawny-throated Leaftosser, Sclerurus mexicanus mexicanus
-- permanent in interior
Woodcreepers (Family Dendrocolaptidae)
- Ruddy Woodcreeper, Dendrocincla homochroa homochroa
-- permanent on slopes to 1600m - Barred Woodcreeper, Dendrocolaptes certhia
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1500m - Black-banded Woodcreeper, Dendrocolaptes picumnus puncticollis
-- permanent in north - Spot-crowned Woodcreeper, Lepidocalaptes affinis
-- permanent - Streak-headed Woodcreeper, Lepidocolaptes souleyetii
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m - Olivaceous Woodcreeper, Sittasomus griseicapillus
-- permanent on slopes to 2000m - Strong-billed Woodcreeper, Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus
-- permanent - Ivory-billed Woodcreeper, Xiphorhynchus flavigaster
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m - Spotted Woodcreepr, Xiphorhynchus erythropygius
-- permanent
Antbirds (Family Formicariidae)
- Mexican Antthrush, Formicarius moniliger
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1800m - Scaled Antpitta, Grallaria guatimalensis
-- permanent - Slaty Antwren, Myrmotherula schisticolor schisticolor
-- permanent on eastern Atlantic Slope to 1500m - Barred Antshrike, Thamnophilus doliatus
-- permanent
Tyrant Flycatchers (Family Tyrannidae)
- Bright-rumped Attila, Attila spadiceus
-- permanent - Northern Beardless Tyrannulet, Camptostoma imberbe
-- permanent - Olive-sided Flycatcher, Contopus borealis
-- winter - Greater Pewee, Contopus pertinax
-- permanent in north - Western Pewee, Contopus sordidulus
-- summer & migrant - Eastern Pewee, Contopus virens
-- migrant - Yellow-bellied Elaenia, Elaenia flavogaster subpagana
-- permanent on slopes to 1600m - Pine Flycatcher, Empidonax affinis
-- permanent in north - White-throated Flycatcher, Empidonax albigularis
-- summer & winter - Alnder Flycatcher, Empidonax alnorum
-- migrant - Yellowish Flycatcher, Empidonax flavescens
-- permanent - Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Empidonax flaviventris
-- winter & migrant - Buff-breasted Flycatcher, Empidonax fulvifrons
-- permanent in north - Hammond's Flycatcher, Empidonax hammondii
-- winter & migrant - Least Flycatcher, Empidonax minimus
-- winter & migrant - Willow Flycatcher, Empidonax traillii
-- migrant - Acadian Flycatcher, Empidonax virescens
-- migrant - Boat-billed Flycatcher, Megarynchus pitangua
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m - Ochre-bellied Flycatcher, Mionectes oleoginus assimilis
-- permanent on slopes to 1600m - Tufted Flycatcher, Mitrephanes phaeocercus
-- permanent - Ash-throated Flycatcher, Myiarchus cinerascens
-- winter - Great Crested Flycatcher, Myiarchus crinitus
-- winter & migrant - Nutting's Flycatcher, Myiarchus nuttingi
-- permanent except north - Dusky-capped Flycatcher, Myiarchus tuberculifer
-- permanent - Brown-crested Flycatcher, Myiarchus tyrannulus
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1500m - Sulphur-bellied Flycatacher, Myiodynastes luteiventris
-- summer - Streaked Flycatacher, Myiodynastes maculatus insolens
-- summer on Atlantic Slope to 1500m - Greenish Elaenia, Myiopagis veridicata
-- permanent on slopes - Social Flycatacher, Myiozetetes similis
-- permanent on slopes to 1800m - Northern Bentbill, Oncostoma cinereigulare
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m - Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet, Ornithion semiflavum
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1500m - Great Kiskadee, Pitangus sulphuratus
-- permanent on slopes to 1800 - Stub-tailed Spadebill, Platyrinchus cancrominus
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m - Vermilion Flycatcher, Pyrocephalus rubinus
-- permanent in south - Eye-ringed Flatbill, Rhynchocyclus brevirostris
-- permanent on slopes to 1800m - Black Phoebe, Sayornis nigricans
-- permanent - Couch's Kingbird, Tyrannus couchii
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1800m? - Thick-billed Kingbird, Tyrannus crassirostris
-- winter in southwest - Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Tyrannus forficatus
-- winter on slopes - Tropical Kingbird, Tyrannus melancholicus
-- permanent - Fork-tailed Flycatcher, Tyrannus savana monachus
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1500m - Eastern Kingbird, Tyrannus tyrannus
-- migrant - Western Kingbird, Tyrannus verticalis
-- winter except in north - Cassin's Kingbird, Tyrannus vociferans
-- winter - Belted Flycatcher, Xenotriccus callizonus
-- permanent - Paltry Tyrannulet, Zimmerius vilissimus vilissimus
-- permanent on eastern slopes
Cotingas (Family Cotingidae)
- Lovely Cotinga, Cotinga amabilis
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1500m - Gray-collared Becard, Pachyramphus major
-- permanent on slopes - Rose-throated Becard, Pachyramphus aglaiae
-- permanent - Masked Tityra, Tityra semifasciata
-- permanent on slopes
Manakins (Family Pipridae)
- Long-tailed Manakin, Chiroxiphia linearis
-- permanent on Pacific Slope to 1500m
Swallows (Family Hirundinidae)
- Cave Swallow, Hirundo fulva
-- summer - Cliff Swallow, Hirundo pyrrhonota
-- migrant - Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica erythrogaster
-- winter - Blue-and-white Swallow, Notiochelidon cyanoleuca patagonica
-- summer at 1500m - Black-capped Swallow, Notiochelidon pileata
-- permanent in north, southeast - Gray-breasted Martin, Progne chalybea
-- permanent on slopes to 1500 - Purple Martin, Progne subis
-- migrant - Bank Swallow, Riparia riparia riparia
-- migrant - Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Stelgidopteryx serripennis
-- permanent - Tree Swallow, Tachycineta bicolor
-- winter - Violet-green Swallow, Tachycineta thalassina
-- winter
Jays & Crows (Family Corvidae)
- Unicolored Jay, Aphelocoma unicolor
-- permanent - Northern Raven, Corvus corax
-- permanent - Steller's Jay, Cyanocitta stelleri
-- permanent in north - Brown Jay, Cyanocorax morio
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1500m - Green Jay, Cyanocorax yncas
-- permanent in north - Azure-hooded Jay, Cyanolyca cucullata
-- permanent in north - Black-throated Jay, Cyanolyca pumilo
-- permanent=
Bushtits (Family Aegithalidae)
- Bushtit, Psaltriparus minimus
-- permanent in north
Treecreepers (Family Certhiidae)
- Brown Creeper, Certhia americana
-- permanent in north
Wrens (Family Troglodytidae)
- Band-backed Wren, Campylorhynchus zonatus
-- permanent - Canyon Wren, Catherpes mexicanus
-- permanent in southwest - Sedge Wren, Cistothorus platensis
-- permanent in north - Gray-breasted Wood-Wren, Henicorhina leucophrys
-- permanent - Rock Wren, Salpinctes obsoletus
-- permanent in north - Plain Wren, Thryothorus modestus
-- permanent to 1800m - Banded Wren, Thryothorus pleurostictus
-- permanent except in north, to 1500m - Rufous-and-white Wren, Thryothorus rufalbus rufalbus
-- permanent on eastern Pacific Slope to 1800m - Southern House Wren, Troglodytes aedon
-- permanent - Rufous-browed Wren, Troglodytes rufociliatus
-- permanent
Dippers (Family Cinclidae)
- American Dipper, Cinclus mexicanus
-- permanent
Gnatcatachers & Allies (Family Sylviidae)
- White-lored Gnatcatcher, Polioptila albiloris
-- permanent in south to 1800m - Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Polioptila caerulea
-- permanent in north, winter in south - Golden-crowned Kinglet, Regulus satrapa
-- permanent on extreme eastern Pacific Slope
Thrushes, Robins, Solitaires & Bluebirds (Family Turdidae)
- Orange-billed Nightingale-thrush, Catharus aurantiirostris
-- permanent except in north - Spotted Nightingale-thrush, Catharus dryas
-- permanent - Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush, Catharus frantzii
-- permanent - Veery, Catharus fuscescens
-- migrant in north & interior - Hermit Thrush, Catharus guttatus
-- winter in north - Black-headed Nightingale-thrush, Catharus mexicanus
-- permanent in north - Gray-cheeked Thrush, Catharus minimus
-- migrant in north & interior - Wood Thrush, Catharus mustelinus
-- winter and migrant - Swainson's Thrush, Catharus ustulatus
-- winter and migrant - Brown-backed Solitaire, Myadestes occidentalis
-- permanent - Slate-colored Solitaire, Myadestes unicolor
-- permanent in north - Eastern Bluebird, Sialia sialis
-- permanent in north - White-throated Thrush, Turdus assimilis
-- permanent - Black Thrush, Turdus infuscatus
-- permanent - Mountain Thrush, Turdus plebejus
-- permanent in south - Clay-colored Thrush, Turdus grayi
-- permanent in north - Rufous-collared Thrush, Turdus rufitorques
-- permanent
Mockingbirds & Thrashers (Family Mimidae)
- Blue-and-white Mockingbird, Melanotis hypoleucus
-- permanent - Gray Catbird, Dumetella carolinensis
-- winter - Tropical Mockingbird, Mimus gilvus
-- permanent
Waxwings (Family Bombycillidae)
- Cedar Waxwing, Bombycilla cedrorum
-- winter
Silkies (Family Ptilogonatidae)
- Gray Silky, Ptilogonys cinereus
-- permanent
Shrikes (Family Laniidae)
- Loggerhead Shrike, Lanius ludovicianus
-- irregular
Vireos (Family Vireonidae)
- Leser Greenlet, Hylophilus decurtatus decurtatus
-- permanent to 1500m - Bell's Vireo, Vireo bellii
-- winter in south to 1500m & migrant - Yellow-throated Vireo, Vireo flavifrons
-- winter to 1800m - Yellow-green Vireo, Vireo flavoviridis
-- summer - Warbling Vireo, Vireo gilvus
-- winter - Hutton's Vireo, Vireo huttoni
-- permanent in north - Brown-capped Vireo, Vireo leucophrys
-- permanent - Red-eyed Vireo, Vireo olivaceus
-- migrant - Philadelphia Vireo, Vireo philadelphicus
-- winter - Blue-headed Vireo, Vireo solitarius
-- winter - Plumbeous Vireo, Vireo plumbeus
-- permanent - Chestnut-sided Shrike-Vireo, Vireolanius melitophrys
-- permanent in souteast - Green Shrike-Vireo, Vireolanius pulchellus
-- permanent to 1800m - Rufous-browed Peppershrike, Cyclarhis gujanensis
-- permanent
Wood Warblers (Family Emberizidae, Subfamily Parulinae)
- Golden-crowned Warbler, Basileuterus culicivorus
-- permanent - Chestnut-capped Warbler, Basileuterus delattrii delattrii -- permanent on eastern Pacific Slope to 1500m
- Fan-tailed Warbler, Basileuterus lachrymosa
-- permanent in south - Rufous-capped Warbler, Basileuterus rufifrons
-- permanent - Red-faced Warbler, Cardellina rubrifrons
-- winter in north - Gray-crowned Yellowthroat, Chamaethlypis poliocephala
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m - Golden-cheeked Warbler, Dendroica chrysoparia
-- winter & migrant - Yellow-rumped Warbler, Dendroica coronata
-- winter - Yellow-throated Warbler, Dendroica dominica
-- winter - Blackburnian Warbler, Dendroica fusca
-- migrant - Grace's Warbler, Dendroica graciae
-- permanent - Magnolia Warbler, Dendroica magnolia
-- winter - Hermit Warbler, Dendroica occidentalis
-- winter - Chestnut-sided Warbler, Dendroica pensylvanica
-- winter in north - Yellow Warbler, Dendroica petechia
-- winter - Townsend's Warbler, Dendroica townsendi
-- winter - Black-throated Green Warbler, Dendroica virens
-- winter - Pink-headed Warbler, Ergaticus versicolor
-- permanent in north - Common Yellowthroat, Geothlypis tricas
-- winter - Gray-throated Chat Warbler, Granatellus sallaei
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1500m - Worm-eating Warbler, Helmitheros vermivorus
-- winter & migrant - Yellow-breasted Chat, Icteria virens
-- winter - Black-and-white Warbler, Mniotilta varia
-- winter - Slate-throated Redstart, Myioborus miniatus
-- permanent - Painted Redstart, Myioborus pictus
-- permanent in north - Kentucky Warbler, Oporornis formosus
-- winter & migrant - Mourning Warbler, Oporornis philadelphia
-- migrant - MacGillivray's Warbler, Oporornis tolmiei
-- winter - Tropical Parula, Parula pitiayumi
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1800m? - Olive Warbler, Peucedramus taeniatus
-- permanent in north - Prothonotary Warbler, Protonotaria citrea
-- migrant - Ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapillus
-- winter - Louisiana Waterthrush, Seiurus motacilla
-- winter - Northern Waterthrush, Seiurus noveboracensis
-- winter - American Redstart, Setophaga ruticilla
-- winter - Orange-crowned Warbler, Vermivora celata
-- winter - Golden-winged Warbler, Vermivora chrysoptera
-- winter on Atlantic Slope to 1800m - Blue-winged Warbler, Vermivora pinus
-- winter on Atlantic Slope - Tennessee Warbler, Vermivora peregrina
-- winter - Nashville Warbler, Vermivora ruficapilla
-- winter - Crescent-chested Warbler, Vermivora superciliosa
-- permanent in north - Canada Warbler, Wilsonia canadensis
-- migrant - Hooded Warbler, Wilsonia citrina
-- winter on Atlantic Slope to 1500 - Wilson's Warbler, Wilsonia pusilla
-- winter
Tanagers (Family Emberizidae, Subfamily Thraupinae)
- Green Honeycreeper, Chlorophanes spiza guatemalensis
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1500m - Blue-crowned Chlorophonia, Clorophonia occipitalis
-- permanent - Common Bush-Tanager, Chlorospingus ophthalmicus
-- permanent - Red-legged Honeycreeper, Cyanerpes cyaneus carneipes
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m - Shining Honeycreeper, Cyanerpes lucidus lucidus
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1500m - Scrub Euphonia, Euphonia affinis
-- permanent on slopes to 1800m - Blue-hooded Euphonia, Euphonia elegantissima
-- permanent - Yellow-throated Euphonia, Euphonia hirundinacea
-- permanent on slopes to 1800m - Red-crowned Ant-Tanager, Habia rubica
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m - Flame-colored Tanager, Piranga bidentata
-- permanent - Hepatic Tanager, Piranga flava
-- permanent in north - Western Tanager, Piranga ludoviciana
-- winter - Scarlet Tanager, Piranga olivacea
-- migrant - Summer Tanager, Piranga rubra
-- winter - White-winged Tanager, Spermagra leucoptera leucoptera
-- permanent on slopes to 1800m - Cabanis' Tanager, Tangara cabanisi
-- permanent on eastern Pacific Slope to 1700m - Yellow-wingted Tanager, Thraupis abbas
-- permanent on slopes to 1800m - Blue-gray Tanager, Thraupis episcopus cana
-- permanent on slopes to 1800m
Grosbeaks & Buntings (Family Emberizidae, Subfamily Cardinalinae)
- Northern Cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope - Blue Grosbeak, Passerina caerulea
-- permanent & winter - Painted Bunting, Passerina ciris
-- winter on slopes to 1800m - Indigo Bunting, Passerina cyanea
-- winter - Varied Bunting, Passerina versicolor
-- permanent in interior to 2000m? - Yellow Grosbeak, Pheucticus chrysopeplus
-- permanent - Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Pheucticus ludovicianus
-- winter - Black-headed Saltator, Saltator atriceps
-- permanent on slopes to 1800m - Grayish Saltator, Saltator coerulescens
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m - Buff-throated Saltator, Saltator maximus-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 1500m
- Dickcissel, Spiza americana
-- winter & migrant
Emberizids (Family Emberizidae, Subfamily Emberizinae)
- Botteri's Sparrow, Aimophila botterii
-- permanent in south - Rusty Sparrow, Aimophila rufescens
-- permanent - Blue Seedeater, Amaurospiza concolor concolor
-- permanent - Grasshopper Sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum
-- winter - Olive Sparrow, Arremonops rufivirgatus
-- permanent in interior to 1800m? - White-naped Brushfinch, Atlapetes albinucha
-- permanent in north - Chestnut-capped Brushfinch, Atlapetes brunneinucha
-- permanent - Yellow-throated Brushfinch, Atlapetes gutteralis
-- permanent in southeast - Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer, Diglossa baritula
-- permanent - Slaty Finch, Haplospiza rustica
-- permanent in southeast - Yellow-eyed Junco, Junco phaeonotus
-- permanent in north - Lincoln's Sparrow, Melospiza lincolnii
-- winter - Prevost's Ground-Sparrow, Melozone biarcuatum
-- permanent in east - White-eared Ground-Sparrow, Melozone leucotis
-- permanent in southeast - Rufous-sided Towhee, Pipilo erythrophthalmus
-- permanent in north - Chipping Sparrow, Spizella passerina
-- permanent in north - White-collared Seedeater, Sporophila torqueola
-- permanent - Yellow-faced Grassquit, Tiaris olivacea
-- permanent in north - Blue-black Grassquit, Volatinia jacarina spendens
-- permanent - Rufous-collared Sparrow, Zonotrichia capensis spetentrionalis
-- permanent
Blackbirds & Orioles (Family Icteridae)
- Red-winged Blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus
-- permanent - Yellow-billed Cacique, Amblycercus holosericeus holosericeus
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m - Yellow-winged Cacique, Cacicus melanicterus
-- permanent on Pacific Slope to 1500m - Melodious Blackbird, Dives dives
-- permanent on Atlantic Slope to 2000m - Bullock's Oriole, Icterus bullockii
-- winter - Yellow-backed Oriole, Icterus chrysater
-- permanent - Baltimore Oriole, Icterus galbula
-- winter - Altamira Oriole, Icterus gularis
-- permanent on slopes to 1500m - Bar-winged Oriole, Icterus maculialatus
-- permanent in interior to 1800m - Streak-backed Oriole, Icterus pustulatus
-- permanent in interior to 1800m - Orchard Oriole, Icterus spurius
-- winter & migrant - Black-vented Oriole, Icterus wagleri
-- permanent in interior & south - Bronzed Cowbird, Molothrus aeneus
-- permanent - Great-tailed Grackle, Quiscalus mexicanus
-- permanent - Eastern Meadowlark, Sturnella magna
-- permanent
Finches and Allies (Family Fringillidae)
- Black-capped Siskin, Carduelis atriceps
-- permanent in north, southeast - Black-headed Siskin, Carduelis notata
-- permanent - Pine Siskin, Carduelis pinus
-- permanent in north - Lesser Goldfinch, Carduelis psaltria
-- permanent in south & interior - House Finch, Carpodacus mexicanus
-- permanent around San Cristobal - Hooded Grosbeak, Coccothraustes abeillei
-- permanent in southeast - Red Crossbill, Loxia curvirostra
-- permanent in north
Old World Sparrows (Family Passeridae)
- House Sparrow, Passer domesticus
-- permanent