LOCATION: Austin, Texas, USA
AWARD DATE: December 12, 2007


  1. Domestic Cat
  2. Horse
  3. People
  4. Domestic Dog
  1. Toad
  1. Gecko
  1. Pigeon
  2. Great-tailed Grackle
  3. Northern Cardinal
  1. Snail
  1. Earthworm
  1. Dog Flea
  2. Grasshopper
  3. House Fly
  4. Large Red and black Ants
  5. Lightning Bug
  6. Mosquito
  7. Doodle Bug
  8. Stink Bug
  9. Termites
  1. American House Spider
  2. Black Widow
  3. Daring Jumping Spider
  4. Goldenrod Spider
  5. Golden-silk Spider
  6. Spiny orb weaver
  7. Yellow Garden Spider


  1. Aloe Vera
  2. Clover
  3. Rye Grass
  4. Hairy Crab Grass
  5. Bermuda Grass
  6. Barnyard Grass
  7. Hens and Chicks in pot
  8. Honeysuckle
  9. Ivy n pot
  10. Lillies
  11. Geranium
  12. Penci Cactus
  13. Peppermint
  14. Rosemary
  15. Triangle Clover in pot
  1. Yeast for brewing ales